Hi, we're MysteryHack
We develop tools and projects focused on the cybersecurity field.
Badge Team
Check out our badges, developed by our badge team: @spacehuhn, @13r1ckz, @killergeek and @deantonious
Some projects developed by our members.
WiFi Fox Hunt Emitter finding game for #36c3
Malware XCHG Place to share and discuss malware
WiFiDuck Keystroke injection attack platform
ESP8266 Tool Wifi security tool for pentesting
34C3 Wifi Satellite Log/display WiFi packets on 14 ch
35C3 Wifi Satellite Enhanced WifiSatellite
HackOx Web-based pentesting interface
PacketMonitor32 Analyze and save WiFi packets
WiFiLights Control LED strips over WiFi
Meet our team
We are an international collective of engineers, makers and security researchers with lots of different skills sets and experience on questions regarding security.
26/2023 - 37th Chaos Communication Congress (#37C3)
Our badge team will be around congress.
05/2023 - Hack-én Congress in Jaén, Spain
@deantonious will be around with our Blinkitten badge! Check out his "#badgelife and Hardware Hacking" workshop. Hack-én website.
12/2019 - 36th Chaos Communication Congress (#36C3)
We'll organize a multiplayer game featuring 350 Bill Badges, a few games for the public like a Wifi Fox Hunt and ChickenManGame and give some security awareness information about WiFi being weaponized.
Links and Information
General links and information related with our assembly projects, activities and workshops:
- Assembly Registration
- Assembly on 36c3 Wiki
- "Meet and solder the Bill Badge" workshop
- Assembly Location
- Fox Hunt Information and Scoreboard
- Bill Badge website
- Eventphone DECT/GSM Numbers:
- MysteryHack: 2245-DECT / 2456 (DECT Callgroup)
- deantonious: (DEAN) 3326-DECT / 4422-GSM
- 13r1ckz: 2512-DECT / 2513-GSM
- killergeek: 6809-DECT / 6810-GSM
- spacehuhn: 6419-DECT
- f0wl: 3095-DECT
Assembly Calendar
Date | Time | Activity | Location | Description |
Thursday 26/12/2019 | 20:00 | Arrival | - | Assembly setup and poster spreading around the halls |
27/12/2019 | 17:30 | Workshop | Hardware Hacking Area | "Meet and solder the Bill Badge" workshop |
29/12/2019 | 16:00 | Meetup | Labitat Assembly | Badgelife Meetup |
30/12/2019 | 15:00 | Meetup | MysteryHack Assembly | Bill Badge Meetup |
08/2019 - Chaos Communication Camp 2019 (#CCCamp19)
Some random projects were displayed. Not everyone had the availavility to attend the event.
12/2018 - 35th Chaos Communication Congress (#35C3)
Introduced the Penguicorn badge and the WifiSatellite v2 as the InnSecure Assembly. Seytonic made a vlog!
12/2017 - 34th Chaos Communication Congress (#34C3)
Attended to our first conference and brought the WifiSatellite v1 with us! Seytonic made a few vlogs: Hacker Conference | 34C3 Day 0, WiFi Satellite Logs All Your Data!! | 34C3 day 1, Investigating A Suspicious USB Drive | 34C3 day 2